Customer reviews - Happy stories from satisfied students

Hey guys, please check out what people are saying, their reviews, their opinion of their lessons and experience with Jean-Michel ski and snowboard instructor in Megeve, Chamonix and Courmayeur.


Hi Jean-Michel,

I am a still amazed how quickly I took off learning to ski at the age of 37 thanks to your helpful ski lessons...

Having badly torn my ligament the very first time I skied as a teenager and dreading to have another bad experience, I certainly wasn't going to be the easiest ski student of your ski instructor life.

But you cheerfully took on the challenge and with a great deal of patience, pedagogy and perseverance, you got me to the red slopes of the Brevent and Grands Montets by the end of the season!

Thank you so much for all your efforts and care. And thank you also for the good conversation and numerous yummy restaurant recommendations in Chamonix and Megeve!


Dear Jean-Michel, Thank you for probably the best skiing week that our family has ever had!

Your knowlege of such a large area from the right mountain for the day down to the snatched small 10 turn powder runs made this a fantastic experience.

You catered for a large variance in skiing ability making our whole team feel the experience without anybody having to hold us up. From the restaurant bookings to running us around from Megeve, Courmayer and the rest of the Chamonix valley, you made us feel very well looked after.

Always with good humour. Always with style. Your ski instructor technique of teaching off piste technique was particularly good with small bytes of very well thought through tips that were given occasionally and helped everyone.

Thank you Jean Michel for making our holiday so special. With kindest wishes


On est bien rentrés à Bordeaux, avec la tête pleine de superbes images de Chamonix, Megève et Courmayeur, après une très belle semaine de ski hors piste en grande partie grace à toi;

voici la synthèse de quelques unes d'entre elles, il y en a beaucoup plus dans nos souvenirs;

tu pourras les utiliser sur ton site Moniteur de Ski si tu le souhaites

merci pout tout,

et vive le virage arrondi !


The 2 girls staying at the chalet loved their snowboarding lessons with their instructor Jean Michel. They learnt loads and said he was great.

Thought you might like to pass this on to him.


As a very nervous skier, on my annual winter holiday with a group of very experienced snowboarders, I couldn't want for a better and more helpful ski instructor.

Jean-Michel is kind enough to collect me from and return me to my accommodation, remembers me from year to year my ski progression, is very friendly and provides just the right mix of reassurance and consistency whilst encouraging me to improve; it seems to happen without me noticing!

I always feel completely safe despite my neuroses! Jean-Michel is also very knowledgable about Chamonix, Megeve and Courmayeur, is flexible with timings of ski lessons and always easy to get hold of and I cannot recommend him highly enough.

I wouldn't want to use anyone else!

Adelaïde 15/03/2017

Cher Jean-Michel, Je garde un grand souvenir de vos cours de ski.

Un grand merci à vous de m'avoir permise, grâce à votre patience sans faille et à votre sens pédagogique, de "décoller" en ski alors que je partais de "zéro" et ce à un âge auquel d'autres pensent peut-être déjà à leur retraite sportive!

Toujours de bonne humeur, moniteur de ski souriant et confiant (et avec de bonnes adresses de restaurants et bars en poche!), vous avez su me motiver pour enfin réaliser mon rêve d'apprendre à skier!


It was my first ski tour in Chamonix with Jean-Michel Poupart and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

The way up to Ancrenaz pass was challenging but fun with varied, well-chosen, terrain. Then a great long slope down of deep snow to the bottom of Berard valley with a charming stream.

In addition, Jean-Michel had thought out all the key ingredients for a successful mountain ski tour: the right salami and cheese, crusty bread, and hot tea. He even arranged for the perfect weather: lots of snow and sun.

Ski instructor Jean-Michel is also good at giving advice: he does so sparingly, at the right moment, with common sense and good humor.

Congratulations! Antoine


It is now 2 weeks since we completed our Tour de Mont Blanc hike and it is really starting to settle in how much of a wonderful time we had.

The hike was magnificent in all accounts, the landscape and the route is like nothing else and we had a most enjoyable time during the hike.

We especially like to thank our guide, Jean-Michel Poupart.

His vast knowledge of the area and the geology of the area, his experience and great hiking skills and his cheerful and light hearted nature made the hike a fun and learning experience.

Everyday he tought us something new in hiking and he solved every obstacle we came across.

He and your company were very helpful and accommodating regarding your 70 year old father who perhaps wasn´t quite up for the full hike.


We had our ski holiday in Chamonix the week of 7 feb 2016. Jean Michel came HIGHLY recommended to us by the chalet manager, and rightly so.

Unfortunately, the weather that week was variable with a lot of snow, wind, and low visibility conditions.

Jean Michel's knowledge of all of the resorts in the area was a holiday saver. He knew each day the best place to ski given the conditions. Which meant we were able to ski the entire week.

Had we not had him as an ski instructor, we would have lost 1-2 days skiing at minimum.

He took us to Courmayer, Megeve, and Les Houches. Equally important was his flexibility as an ski instructor. We had a large group with varied abilities.

Jean Michel was flexible in accommodating all levels. One day he would ski with the children, the next day he would do some off piste skiing with the dads and older children, and the next would be the mums.

Each group was very happy with their instruction during the day. And all the parents in the group were happy with the children's ski progress.

We had a fantastic holiday, thanks in part to Jean Michel. I would be very happy to highly recommend him as a ski instructor.


Jean-Michel was an amazing ski instructor! Very insightful and clear.

He was extermely helpful in guiding my friend Jill and I in understanding the pistes for our next day of skiing by ourselves.

He truly had a positive impact on our abilities and understanding of the Mont Blanc area we were exploring for the week!

I have already been reccomending him for ski lessons in Chamonix and Megeve to our friends.

Sacha (9 years)

Dear Jean Michel,

Thank you so much for teaching me snowboarding. I learnt a lot in the 2 weeks I had snowboard lessons with you. You were a pleasure to be with and we managed to do some quite difficult slopes (the top of the Grands Montets at Argentiere).

Also thank you a lot for the ski badges. I don't think everyone gets as recognised for their ability as I do with you. I recognise that you went to a lot of trouble to get them and I admire that.

When I started snowboarding with you I was scared of doing blue runs and you have taught me to do black runs confidently. I also was terrified of going in switch and now I can link switch turns (on easy runs).

My snowboarding is coming along extremely fast, thanks to you. You have been an amazing snowboard instructor and I have really enjoyed every minute I have spent with you.

See you in June,

Thanks so much,